Wednesday 15 June 2011

fingers are bleeding!

Before I explain my day let me give a brief explanation as to what Cellulose Nitrate non shrinking dope is. This is a glue that is slightly thicker than water and seals coverings such as Nylon, Tissue and silk.

Getting back to today in college, I painted the Cellulose Nitrate non shrinking dope onto my fabric to give strength and structure ready to pleat. I then hung my pieces up to dry. The fabric is now really nice and crisp almost like a paper but the smell of the Nitrate dope is so strong it traveled around the whole of the college ground floor. (I am surprised I'm not sitting here hallucinating) wonder if I got anyone high in college????

Great I stiffened my pleats but here is the down side, I have broken my needle trying to force it through the stiffened fabric with pliers and my fingers are near bleeding point.
Oh well tomorrow is another day for a fresh start and a fresh needle.

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